Faith Lutheran School is a licensed childcare facility, and we must abide by WACs 110-300. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these requirements.

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Behavior Management and Guidance

The school uses indirect guidance techniques:

  • We give advance notice: “You have 5 more minutes before it’s time to clean up.”
  • We give choices: “You may paint with the other children, or you may read a book in the quiet corner.”
  • We have a regular routine: “We always wash our hands before lunch. After lunch is circle.”
  • We avoid nagging: We tell the child what we expect just once, follow it by asking if the child remembers what we asked, and then offer to help the child do what was asked.
  • We are consistent: We do things the same way each day, so the children know what to expect and learn to trust and feel safe in their environment.

We also use direct guidance techniques:

  • We use positive statements: We use “walking feet” rather than “don’t run!” or “use your words to tell us you are angry” rather than “don’t hit!”
  • We get the child’s attention by being at their level: We crouch down to their level, making eye contact, speaking quietly, and asking the child to repeat the direction.
  • We are fair: We examine our expectations to make sure they are age appropriate, and don’t make rules just because an activity is too noisy or messy.
  • We avoid arguments: By following through with solutions that address the problem, but also offer the child a way to exit gracefully from the problem. “You can choose a quiet place to calm down or I can choose one for you.”

If a child is unable to demonstrate self-controlling behavior, a moment of reflection allows the child time to regain control. Reflection occurs when other measures fail and is used as an opportunity for the child to regain self-control, not as a punishment.

By law, and by program philosophy and policy, the following forms of discipline are forbidden hitting, spanking, shaking, scolding, shaming, isolating, labeling (bad, naughty, etc.), or any other negative reaction to the child’s behavior. All forms of corporal (physical) punishment are strictly forbidden.

Some negative behavior is best ignored, since its goal is often to get attention. This technique can be used for some of the negative behavior children do but would not be used with unsafe or hurtful behavior.

If a child is unable to gain control and requires more individual attention than what can be provided with child-to-teacher ratio, the Director and/or Associate Director will be requested to assist and will determine if a caregiver needs to be notified. Some children may struggle with the classroom ratio of Faith Lutheran School and will be assessed to determine the best educational option for the child. Faith Lutheran School reserves the right to request an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to better serve the child. If the family is not willing to work with the school’s recommendation, we may un-enroll the child.

One of the behavior management resources Faith uses is Love and Logic, which includes:

  • A way to help students own and solve their own problems.
  • Adults providing limits in a caring, respectful way.
  • Behavior management involving building students up, so they feel more capable, even after being disciplined.
  • Educators interacting with students by staying calm and avoiding provoking, threatening, demoralizing, or lecturing.
  • Using polite statements that are enforceable, and offering children choices within limits, thus avoiding power struggles.
  • Using a cooperative planning approach with families when difficult problems arise.
  • Discipline maintained with compassion & understanding.
  • Problems viewed as an opportunity for helping children grow through their mistakes, and helping children learn to be responsible and gain self-confidence.
  • Logical consequences being used instead of punishment, when possible. There is a connection between the infraction and the consequence.
  • Providing a constructive atmosphere with sensible limits, socially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Love and Logic suggests the following for student behavior:

  1. You may engage in any behavior which does not create a problem for you or anyone else.
  2. If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for you or anyone else.
  3. You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning of yourself or others. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.

Child Abuse Mandated Reporters

ALL SCHOOL EMPLOYEES are legally obligated to report to Children’s Administration/Child Protection Services (CPS) or a law enforcement agency if they believe reasonable cause exists to believe abuse or neglect has occurred. Information will be immediately reported to the Director and Associate Director. building administrator. The building administrator will report the incident to CPS.

The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families website has more information about how to report abuse or neglect

King County reporting line: 1-800-609-8764
Statewide End Harm line (available 24/7): 1-866-END-HARM (1-866-363-4276). 

The information will be kept confidential, and the family will not be informed by anyone affiliated with the school. It is CPS or law enforcement’s responsibility to investigate and inform families.

  1. School staff are required to cooperate with investigations being conducted by CPS or the law enforcement agency.
  2. The CPS representative or law enforcement officer questioning the student about possible abuse will determine if a school official may be present during the interview.

What is child abuse or neglect?

Child abuse or neglect means the injury, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation of a child by any person under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health, welfare, or safety is harmed, or the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or providing care to the child. An abused child is a child who has been subjected to child abuse or neglect as defined in this section.

Children with Special Needs Policy

It is well documented that the beginning years of all children’s lives are critical for building the early foundations of learning and self-care needed for success in school and later in life. During these years, children’s brains develop rapidly, influenced by the experiences they share with their families, teachers, peers, and in their communities. Like all children, it is critical for children with disabilities to be exposed to a variety of rich experiences; where they can learn in the context of play and everyday interactions and engage with their peers with and without disabilities. In partnership with families, and our high-quality early childhood program, we can facilitate the experiences that foster learning for all children.

Children with disabilities and their families continue to face significant barriers to accessing inclusive high-quality early childhood programs, and Faith Lutheran School would like to assist with these barriers. We have developed a list of guidelines in efforts to contribute to the best possible outcome for the child. Please note that research shows that an upfront discussion about differences and diversity is more valuable at promoting successful inclusion than not talking about the differences at all.

  • For successful service delivery, the family must provide FLS a copy of an IEP (Individualized Education Program), IHP (Individualized Health Plan), IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan), or paperwork that includes a diagnosis as soon as the family receives the document.
  • FLS may request a trial period to determine appropriate support.
  • FLS reserves the right to require the family to provide a one-on-one aide/support person during the child’s school day. The professional one-on-one/support person’s primary function is to assist only the assigned/contracted student in all aspects of the school day – from instruction time, work time, recess, bathroom, and lunch and specialist time. The one-on-one/support person’s job is to provide support for the child moving towards independence.
  • Any volunteer or privately hired person working in FLS classrooms must abide by the Department of Early Learning’s licensing requirements. If the child’s diagnosis suggests that they can’t abide by the Department of Early Learning’s requirements then the Director/Associate Director, along with the family, must fill out a Plan to Meet the Special Needs of an Individual Child document.
  • FLS staff will observe if the child is able to access the class curriculum and if the environment can accommodate to support the best outcome for the student. If we feel the student has a special need that we cannot accommodate to provide the best possible outcome for the student, then we reserve the right to deny acceptance.

Classroom Visitations

Caregivers are welcome in the classroom. However, to protect instructional time, we ask you to coordinate visits with the teacher in advance to reduce interruptions to the classroom. Please do not use classroom visits for conferring with the teacher; rather, we request you schedule an appointment with the teacher. Please note that oftentimes having a caregiver in the class can be difficult for the child and can cause other behaviors.


It is best to email teachers and other school staff to make an appointment to talk with them. If you need to contact someone immediately, please call 425-885-1810, and the message will be delivered as soon as possible.

Faith will communicate with families via email and Brightwheel. Families will need to check their emails and Brightwheel regularly. If you do not have access to email or the internet, please inform the Director/Associate Director.

Diapering/Toilet Training

Faith uses stand-up diapering as appropriate and will ensure that diaper changing is safe and does not spread infections by ensuring the diaper-changing table and area:

  • has a washable, moisture-resistant diaper-changing surface that is cleaned and sanitized between children.
  • is a table or counter with a protective barrier on all sides that is at least three and one-half inches higher than the surface that the child lays on.
  • has a garbage can with lid, plastic liner, and method for disposing of hand-drying supplies so that a garbage can lid does not have to be opened with hands.
  • is on a moisture impervious and washable flooring that extends at least two feet surrounding the diaper-changing and hand-washing area; and
  • is directly adjacent to a sink used for hand-washing that is supplied with warm, running water (between 85 degrees Fahrenheit and 120 degrees Fahrenheit), soap, and a sanitary method for drying hands (single-use towels).

Faith Lutheran School does not require that your child be potty-trained to enroll in the school. If your child is enrolled in any class (with the exception of Toddlers) and they are not potty-trained, we require a commitment that you, along with the teachers, are actively working on a potty-training plan.

Field Trips

Occasionally, FLS will conduct field trips for the purpose of curriculum enrichment. You are required to transport your child to and from all field trips. There will be no school on field trip days. Staff will not transport any children on behalf of the school for any reason.

If your child is not attending the field trip; you are required to find alternate care for that day.


Managing Medication

As required by Washington State childcare licensing, Faith Lutheran School has a medication policy that includes safe medication storage, reasonable accommodations for giving medication, mandatory medication documentation, and forms pursuant to WAC 110-300-0500.

Caregivers need to hand the medication directly to a Faith Lutheran School employee along with the proper documentation for the medication. Medications and non-medications including hand sanitizer, rash creams, lotions, vitamins, etc. should never be left within reach of children.

Medication Administration

An early learning provider must not give medication to any child without written and signed consent from that child’s parent or guardian, must administer medication pursuant to directions on the medication label, and using appropriate cleaned and sanitized medication measuring devices.

An early learning provider must administer medication to children in care as follows:

  • Prescription medication must only be given to the child named on the prescription. Prescription medication must be prescribed by a health care professional with prescriptive authority for a specific child. Prescription medication must be accompanied by a medication authorization form that has the medical need and the possible side effects of the medication. Prescription medication must be labeled with:
    • A child’s first and last name.
    • The date the prescription was filled.
    • The name and contact information of the prescribing health professional.
    • The expiration date, dosage amount, and length of time to give the medication; and
    • Instructions for administration and storage.
  • Nonprescription (over the counter) medication will not be administered for any reason.
  • Non-medical cream/paste: A parent or guardian must annually authorize an early learning provider to monitor as a child self-applies the following:
    • Sunscreen.
    • Lip balm or lotion.
    • Hand sanitizers or hand wipes with alcohol, which may be used only for children over twenty-four months old; and
    • Fluoride toothpaste for children two years old or older.


If your child is enrolled in full day school, developmentally appropriate tooth brushing activities will be provided. Tooth brushing activities are safe, sanitary, and educational. Toothbrushes are stored in a manner that prevents cross-contamination. The parent or guardian of a child may opt out of the daily tooth brushing activities by signing a written form.

Office Procedures

Visiting the School

During school hours, all visitors (outside of parent/guardian) must report to the office upon arrival to obtain a visitor’s badge identifying them as an approved guest of the school.

Requesting Student Files

Copies of observation reports and portfolios will be given to caregivers during conferences. If you require records to be sent to another school, please complete a Transfer of Records Request Form and allow at least 5-7 business days for processing.

Requesting a Tuition Credit Tax Letter

Please contact the Associate Director to obtain a letter, and please allow 3-4 business days for the request to be processed.

Religious Activities / Non-Discrimination Policy

Christian Activities and Involvement

Students at Faith participate in a daily prayer prior to snacks and lunches and weekly lessons and songs related to Christian concepts and virtues (love, joy, self-control, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, generosity, peace, and integrity). We recognize that not all people pray the same or hold to the same beliefs, but all are loved and cared for at Faith. Children are not required to participate in songs or prayers.

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy and committment of Faith Lutheran School that it does not discriminate in employment practices or client services on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, class, age, religion, or disability. Faith reserves the right to select staff and students on the basis of commitment to Faith behavior standards and school policies.

Separation Anxiety

For younger children, a complete and successful transition into school on their own may take some time. It is helpful for teachers to know their home life: toileting, sleeping, and eating patterns, or their interests. Your child’s teacher will be warm and caring and has experience working with separation anxiety. We encourage quick, honest, and consistent goodbyes to your child. Having a consistent routine in the morning may be helpful. Starting your early learning experience is a positive step for both you and your child!

Sexual Development Policy

Children need a safe and nurturing environment to explore gender and gender expression. It’s important for all children to feel good about who they are and what they can do. At Faith, we create learning environments and provide materials that encourage healthy gender and sexual development. We offer a range of toys, books, and dramatic play props that expose children to diverse gender roles, consent, and accurate information. The teachers will also use inclusive phrases to address the class. As soon as a child can talk, all teachers will teach the correct terms for their body parts (i.e. penis, vulva, vagina). Research shows that the correct name lessens the shame around sexuality. We will model consent and empower children to understand their own desires and those of other people, and what behaviors or actions are appropriate (i.e. asking “Would you rather give a hug or high-five?” or asking to give a hug before doing so).


Regular Tuition Schedule

Tuition is payable on the fifth day of each month through Brightwheel billing direct deposit only unless other arrangements are approved by the Director and/or the Associate Director. For the payment schedule and amount, please refer to your individual Brightwheel app. Payment can be made from a checking, savings, or credit card account (additional fees may apply).

Long vacations do not excuse you from tuition payments. Extenuating circumstances may be presented to the Faith Lutheran School Board for consideration.

Non-Compliance with Agreed Payment Schedule

If tuition obligations are not met, nor complied with the negotiated plan approved by the Board, all requests to forward student school records will be held until tuition obligations are met. Please take the time to communicate your financial concerns or situation so that the school can help to avoid any problems. Students may be suspended from school if financial obligations are not met. The Board will determine any deviation from this policy.

Tuition Discounts

2024-2025 Tuition Discounts

Returning Students (May be eligible) for a one-time 8% discount. 

New Student Early Registration 8% 

FLC Church 5% (after 1 year membership)

Sibling Discount 8% (Siblings must be enrolled at the same time, or previous year). Eff. 1/23/24

Future Enrollment

Families in debt to the school from a prior school year will not be allowed to enter students for the current school year until their account is paid in full. If, by June 30 of the current school year, there are unpaid debts to the school for tuition or volunteer hours, any refundable registration fees paid for the ensuing school year will revert to cover prior debts and the child(ren) will not be registered for school.


Information about tuition obligations after withdrawal can be found in the Withdrawal section.


In keeping with Washington State law, students who bring a weapon to school will be subject to the following: Family notified, Redmond Police notified, and student expelled from Faith Lutheran School.

Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and illegal drugs are prohibited on school grounds.


How to Withdrawal

If you need to withdraw your child from Faith, please complete a Student Withdrawal form in the main office and notify the Director and the Associate Director.

Tuition Obligation for Voluntary Withdrawal

Faith Lutheran School relies on tuition commitments when budgeting and making operating expense commitments. It places a financial hardship on the school when families enroll but do not complete the year with the school. Tuition adjustments will be made only in the case of moving away from the area (10+ miles), loss of income or financial hardship, or if it is mutually determined that your child has needs that Faith cannot meet (e.g. if the program does not seem developmentally fit for your child based on early childhood standards).

Additionally, should the school need to close due to a state health emergency, families will not be responsible for tuition. The school may need to close temporarily for 14 or less days if exposure to COVID-19 has occurred, and families will be responsible for payment if this happens.

For any other voluntary withdrawal, the family is responsible for the full tuition amount, or adjusted amount according to the tuition obligation scale below. For any other voluntary withdrawal, due to financial dependency of the school on tuition funds, a replacement must be found to eliminate financial obligation for the full tuition amount. If the school is not able to find a replacement, families are financially responsible.

  • Prior to June 1: No tuition obligation
  • June 2 to July 1: One month’s tuition
  • July 2 to August 1: Two months’ tuition
  • August 1 to December 1: Six months’ tuition
  • After December 1: Full tuition balance

The school reserves the right to expel or not accept any student or family who fails to comply with established standards of behavior. FLS may ask any family that interrupts the education, climate, and /or operating principles established at Faith to leave at the discretion of our school board and administrators. Students or families who are asked to leave will be reimbursed any remaining unused portion of tuition payments except for the required registration and supply fees.

We know from research, that when children are expelled from preschool, they are dramatically set back in their development. Therefore, expulsion is a last resort after the following supports are completed by both teacher and family: caregiver meetings to discuss challenges, visits to other programs, expert evaluations, and thorough documentation of intervention.